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Friday, November 23, 2012

What Your Husband Isn't Telling You: A Guided Tour of a Man's Body, Soul, and Spirit, by David Murrow

The title is a bit scary, but the book is well worth the read. I can't say that I learned a whole lot, but it was good to be reminded of some of the differences between men and women, what's most important to my husband, and why it's okay for that to be most important.

I'd boil down Mr. Murrow's advice to this: a man needs plenty of food, sex, and respect from his wife.

Mr. Murrow backs up some of his claims with some reasons that smack of evolution, which I don't care for, but that doesn't mean his claims are false. I was not entirely surprised at the end to learn that Mr. Murrow is an elder in a Presbyterian Church of the USA church.

I'd recommend this book to wives.

Thank you Netgalley and Baker Publishing Group for allowing me to read a review copy of this book. My husband thanks you, too.

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